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几位与会者指出短期内降息可以为未来的经济受到负面冲击时提供缓冲,从风险管理的角度来看是合意的。Some participants also noted that the continued shortfall in inflation risked a softening of inflation expectations that could slow the sustained return of inflation to the Committee‘s 2 percent objective. Several participants pointed out that they had revised down their estimates of the longer-run normal rate of unemployment and, as a result, saw a smaller upward contribution to inflation pressures from tight resource utilization than they had earlier. A few participants were concerned that inflation expectations had already moved below levels consistent with the Committee’s symmetric 2 percent objective and that it was important to provide additional accommodation in the near term to bolster inflation expectations. A few participants judged that allowing inflation to run above 2 percent for some time could help strengthen the credibility of the Committee‘s commitment to its symmetric 2 percent inflation objective.


责任编辑:张义凌来源:中国经济网经济日报-中国经济网北京9月17日讯 世荣兆业(002016.SZ)今日公告称,余劲因个人原因申请辞去公司董事、副总裁兼财务总监及下属子公司相关职务,辞职后不在公司及其下属子公司担任任何职务。世荣兆业表示,将尽快补选董事及聘任新的财务总监,在聘任新的财务总监之前,由财务部经理汪礼宏代行财务总监职责。
