Q:是什么让你走上这条路?What set you on this path?A:一方面来自于我自己的语言学习经历。语言的学习给我的人生带来了很大不同,让我了解到语言背后多样的文化,看到地球另一端世界的精彩。我坚信教育能改变孩子们的人生。On the one hand, it’s my own language learning experience that inspires me. Language learning has made a huge difference in my life and allowed me to understand the diverse cultures behind languages and see a wonderful world on the other side of the globe. I firmly believe that education can definitely change children‘s life.
In the past five years, we have made constant efforts in public goods by giving students in remote rural areas access to foreign teachers’ courses, benefiting tens of thousands of rural students. In remote areas of China, more girls are receiving education and more women get paid work. We can feel that China is working towards gender equality. In China’s first-tier cities, more women are working as professionals and are successful in their career, with “equal pay for equal work.” I hope to see more women who are able to do the jobs they like and are good at and gain more value from life and their work.