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As icing on the cake, it appears that Mr. Chow holds production facility assets for Bosideng’s brands in his own private companies, one of which filed for a competing Jessie trademark, and Chairman Gao is gifting himself la in 1Q’18 despite selling Jessie to Bosideng in 2011! In addition PRC Credit Reports show that the Chairman transferred one of Bosideng’s property assets into his own private company but failed to ever pay the consideration for the asset!

由于波司登的捏造利润计划被揭露,波司登的短期负债即将到期,我们预计高主席将决定通过支撑一直意味着崩溃和燃烧的车辆的股价来浪费被盗资金。以下为为英文:Bosideng (HKEx: 3998) = FraudIn the world of public market frauds, we believe that the executive management of Bosideng International (HKEx: 3998) (“Bosideng”, the “Company”) are as corrupt as they come. Bosideng’s story includes many hallmarks of a public market fraud, including overstated revenues and profits, undisclosed related party transactions, and overpayments for acquisitions from undisclosed insiders at astronomically high prices.

