添加时间:WARREN BUFFETT:Mm-hmm.沃伦·巴菲特:嗯。ANDY SERWER:Does-- does the amount of shareholderinterest in this company concern you or Todd or Ted? In other words, the marketcapitalization basically relative to the S&P 500. Is that something youlook at?
安迪·塞尔沃:是的,我是说,(你还可以对它们进行投资)这扇门并没有关着。WARREN BUFFETT:No, no.沃伦·巴菲特:不,不(我没说它关了投资者的门)。ANDY SERWER:Right.安迪·塞尔沃:对。WARREN BUFFETT:No, not at all.
And so the world can‘t change dramatically. And if anybody thinksyou can change energy sources 10% at a year, it just doesn’t work that way.Butthe world is going in the right direction in terms of working towardminimization of carbon.
ANDY SERWER:I got one.安迪·塞尔沃:我有一个。WARREN BUFFETT:If we had a card table here-- well, yeah. Wecould put all their products on one table.