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但近期市场出现了超预期的情况,2月11日,黑色金属市场整体出现大涨,且05合约涨幅超过09/10合约。在现货需求没有启动的背景下,期货提前发动的逻辑在哪里?期货大涨之后,未来将如何演绎?本文将加以简要分析,供各位投资者参考。一、 期货缘何大涨:独立扭转月间结构

安迪·塞尔沃:你是如何把这些负面情绪从脑子里清除出去的?WARREN BUFFETT:I don‘t know whether you’re born to someextent that way. But you certainly see the works, and the-- you know, I mean,you just take the people you know. And the ones are sour at the world, theworld gets sour on, you know, basically. [LAUGHS] And so it‘s-- now it’s goingto be tough, you know, in certain situations. And if you‘ve got some majorillness or something, I’m sorry. I mean, that‘s just-- you can have terribleluck at life, and that’s-- it‘s-- and it can seem very unfair to you.But you’regoing to have-- you‘re going to have a better experience in life if-- ifbasically you-- you see the positive side of things.


四川长宁6.0级地震发生之后,#抗震救灾 央企行动#,国资委和央企第一时间参与抗震救灾。供电方面,截至18日6时,国网四川电力已派出196人,调集37台抢修车辆、1台发电车、3台应急照明灯具、38台发电机、1台应急方舱投入抢修救援。已恢复4座35千伏变电站,3条35千伏线路、4条10千伏线路供电。目前,灾区电力抢修救援工作正有序推进中。


安迪·塞尔沃:沃伦,你是否会担心新冠肺炎病毒?WARREN BUFFETT:Well, you‘ve got to defer to the doctors onthat. But you get an all these figures about flu regularly kills 20 times asmany people in this country as, or 40 times maybe as much as we’ve seen in theway of deaths, even more than that. But it is a pandemic. It is really spread.So we‘ve got something that we don’t know how long it will be with us. We don‘t know how severe it’ll be. But there will be uncertainty about that for aconsiderable period of time. There has to be.
